We define the address of any website on the internet as a domain. In fact, there are numbers behind the website name that we type into the browser as the domain name. When you type tacbilisim.com in your browser, IP addresses consisting of numbers come into play and direct you to the right site. So why do we write names and not numbers? Imagine that the addresses of websites consist of different numbers, like phone numbers, and that we need to keep in mind or save somewhere the IP addresses of each website we visit, which consist of numbers?
We Salute the First Domain Name in History!
When the date showed March 15, 1985, the internet world was slowly on its way to reach today’s point. At that time, the speed of light was faster than that of a turtle. Shortly after a computer company named Symbolics implemented the .com domain name; By registering symbolics.com, he received the first domain name in the internet world and made his name written in domain history.
.Com Extension Was Once Free!
When it was first introduced, the .com domain was managed by the U.S. Department of Defense, and registering the domain name was free. Of course, this did not continue for a long time and in 1995, Network Solutions was given the authority to charge fees. Thus, the sales phase has begun.
Who are among the top 100 .com domain name buyers in the world?
Some companies among the top 100 are no longer operating today. But some are still standing tall.
Here are some of the visionary companies that bought domain names in the 80s and their domain name acquisition dates:
IBM founded ibm.com on March 19, 1986.
Intel founded intel.com on March 25, 1986.
Boeing founded being.com on September 2, 1986.
Siemens founded siemens.com on September 29, 1987.
Apple launched apple.com on February 19, 1987.
Philips registered philips.com on April 4, 1987.
.Com Domain Name was Followed by .net!
.net, which is the abbreviation of the English word network, was launched for sale and use in January 1985.
On April 1, 1986, the first .net domain name entered the internet world. This company was nordu.net.
.Org Extension Also Arrived!
Following com and .net, the extension .org, which is short for the English word “organization”, non-profit foundation, etc. It was made available to institutions and organizations, and on July 10, 1985, mitre.org, registered by Miter Corporation, began its presence in the virtual environment.
Domain Name Specific to Education: .edu
Edu extension, an abbreviation of the English word “education”, was made available to educational institutions and universities in 1985. Berkeley University started to use the first .edu domain name in history on April 24, 1985.