What is a domain name? As of 2013, there were more than 150 million blogs and this number continues to grow every day. It is crucial that you have a great blog domain to stand out from the rest of the blogs out there for readers’ attention.
Why Are Domain Names Important?
Once you choose your domain name for your blog, you are likely to have it for the life of your blog. You can easily change your blog’s theme or domain hosting provider, but your domain name will remain the same.
This is because when you change your domain name, you are basically restarting your blog. You would rank low in Google and would need to work your way up by gaining inbound links and using other SEO tactics.
Domain names create your blog brand. If your domain name matches the name of your blog, this strengthens the brand and makes it easier for readers to remember and return.
Create a Blog Domain Name
You may find that creating the perfect blog domain name is stressful, as it is one of the most important steps when creating your blog.
Choosing a blog domain name that is clearly related to the topic of your blog makes it easier for readers to find you. However, choosing a creative domain name can be a great way to differentiate yourself from your competitors if your blog becomes successful later on.
Here are some tips for creating the perfect blog domain name:
Use Your Name
If you’re creating a personal blog, using your name can be a great way to give it credibility. When potential visitors see a domain name in its name, they are likely to imagine that you will be original.
This is also a good way to motivate yourself while blogging. When you make yourself the brand and domain name of your website, you can feel a closer connection with your readers. If you choose a more business-like name, you may not get this type of link.
Know Your Audience
Before you start thinking about writing your first post, it’s crucial to know who your audience is. Determine what you want people to think and feel when reading your blog and domain name. If you plan to stay lit, stay away from anything too serious.
Check the Competition
Do a Google search for some of the topics you blog about. Use “blog” when searching and you will probably find plenty of blogs that will be similar to your planned blog.
Make a list of the heavy hitters within these options and look for answers to questions like, What kind of strategies did they use for their Blog domains?
It’s a great way to get ideas if you’re not sure where to start. If most blogs use the blog creator’s name, it can be a good sign that readers want to connect with a real person. You may want to use your name later.
Use Keywords
Using keywords is a great way to get a quick SEO boost. This tells search engines what your blog will be about. Along with a good user experience and quality content, keywords in your blog domain can help your Google rankings.
It is often difficult to find good domains with specific target keywords. So you can also grab some of your creative names above and see what comes up.